Friends of HLRW are hosting events you might not want to miss:

For more information about the Evening with Michael Quinn Sullivan, contact Bill at

For more information about the Spanish Voter Registration Event, contact Bonnie at 956-330-8106.

For more information about the Radical Disciple event, contact Bonnie at 956-330-8106.

Voter Registration – Are You Registered to Vote?



MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2024, is the LAST DAY to register to vote for the November Presidential Election! Register Now.

You must “reapply” EVERY YEAR!

You can call the Llano County Elections Office and request an application or print one by clicking 

Ballot By Mail

Llano County Sample Ballots

Llano County has the following 9 precincts.

  • 108
  • 101
  • 102
  • 109
  • 203
  • 204
  • 205
  • 307
  • 410

Find your precinct number on your voter registration card. Then, click the link below to view a sample ballot for your precinct.



This will be an extra informative event! Michael Sullivan will be updating us on the Texas State Convention and highlighting some of the statewide races.

HLRW – Christmas Potluck Dinner & White elephant Gift Exchange


Event RSVP Form (to confirm attendance)

Three, Free, Upcoming Events – Join Us!

Confirm Attendance Below.


Subscribe below to stay up to date with what is happening by getting the latest information sent directly to your email inbox. Easy as that!

Llano County Republican Club -3rd Quarter Dinner Meeting, Tuesday, September 12th, 5:30-7:30PM.

Location: Sunrise Beach First Baptist Church

Address: 606 RR 2233, Sunrise Beach

Free to attend. dinner is $15 per person. Guests are welcome! All proceeds will be used to support Republican Candidates and Republican Causes. Contact Debbie at 830-220-9935 to reserve your plate.

Learn more about Cary Cheshire by visiting Texans for Strong Borders

Looking Ahead

Election Day is November 7, 2023. See Notice of Special Election, which includes the propositions (from LLano County, Texas)

Early voting begins October 23 thru November 2.

Constitutional amendments are on the ballot.

Go to the Llano County website and under elections you can view all the amendments. Click below to read it in full now.

Subscribe to the Llano County GOP & Friends Calendar


Description: Meeting dates/times posted for the Llano County GOP and conservative friends: Llano County Republican Dinner Club; Highland Lakes Republican Women; Star Republican Women; and the Llano Tea Party.

Tomorrow Night – GAME NIGHT!

Monday, 5:30-8:00pm (come when you can)
Kingsland Library

This is an opportunity to come get acquainted with like-minded people and learn about HLRW while playing your favorite games! Come have some fun with us in a nice, air-conditioned environment. Bring your spouse and/or a friend! Free to attend. Finger food provided. Contact Jessica at 830-275-2952 if you have any questions.

HLRW Scholarship Recipient – Hannah Etter

This year’s Scholarship recipient is Hannah Etter.  Hannah is planning to attend Sam Houston State University pursuing a double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology.

   Hannah impressed us with her enthusiasm and cheerful nature when she volunteered to help with setup for the Veteran’s Day lunch last year.  She fulfilled her requirements for HLRW’s scholarship by interviewing John Ferguson, ex-city councilman.   She is a darling girl, and we wish her well.

Photo from left to right: HLRW’s Secretary, Katy Scarborough; Treasurer, Ginger Shilts; Scholarship Recipient, Hannah Etter; and President, Pat Richards. Photo Courtesy of DustDevilDiver.

I would like to thank everyone who aided in supporting me and donating to me. I promise to use your contributions wisely and to pass the love forward. I am so thankful for each and every one of you, and if you ever need anything, please feel free to contact me at” -Hannah Etter

Read a copy of Hannah’s interview with John Ferguson!

Read interview here.

Wonderful Turnout Tuesday Evening

Thank you to all who attended Tuesday evenings meeting with special guest, Christin Bentley!

Republican Party of Texas
Legislative Priority:
Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids

Watch Tuesday’s presentation by clicking on the video below or read Christin’s PowerPoint Presentation. Read in PDF format here.

Tuesday, May 9th -HLRW Meeting with special guest, Christin Bentley

HLRW Monthly Meeting Tuesday, May 9th, 6-7:30pm

Hello everyone! This is a personal invitation to join us for dinner this Tuesday evening, May 9th, 6-7:30pm, at the Sunrise Beach Civic Center. One of our own members (who cooks great!) will be making a Spaghetti and Meatball dinner for us! Yummy!! Bring your spouse.

Guest speaker, Christin Bentley, State Republican Executive Committee, SD-1, will be giving a legislative update on the Republican Party of Texas priority to protect children from sexual grooming in our schools and communities.

Free to attend. Dinner is $20 (pay at the door or click below to purchase a meal) Look forward to seeing each of you! Support – Highland Lakes Republican Womens Club (

ELECTION DAY – Saturday, May 6th!

Polls open 7:00am until 7:00pm at each location.

Below you will find Polling Locations and Sample Ballots for Llano County (including Propositions A, B, and C on the Llano ISD Bond Election). Please Read before voting on Saturday.


“Any information submitted to the Federal Government by a party to a covered transaction in accordance with this Act, as well as any information the Federal Government may create relating to review of the covered transaction, is exempt from disclosure under section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the ‘Freedom of Information Act.)’   – Excerpt from RESTRICT Act (S. 686)

The RESTRICT Act, in name alone, serves as an alarm.  

While it does ban TikTok, the RESTRICT Act also gives non-elected government bureaucrats, and the money they are beholden to, carte blanch permission to label and off-line any form or system of communication they deem a national security threat. According to the bill, violators accessing those applications, including the use of VPN services, risk penalty of up to a $1,000,000 fine, twenty (20) years in Federal Prison, and the forfeiture of all property to the United States government.  

With seemingly every Federal agency in America acting against the interest of free speech and Constitutional rights, are legislators in Washington unable to foresee the blatant risks of this bill? – The Sedition Acts V2, Gregory Christian Porter, April 18th

RESTRICT Act (S. 686) –

Click the link below and call your elected officials in Washington; demand they honor their oath to the Constitution and let this bill die on the floor!

Find Your Members in the U.S. Congress | | Library of Congress (

Monthly HLRW Meeting April 11th, 6-7:30pm Kingsland Public Library (finger food and tea provided)

Don’t miss guest speaker, Gregory Porter, Co-Founder, Texas Liberty Council, give a powerful presentation on the topic of digital identification and currency!

Data Privacy: The Frontier of Liberty

“Without privacy, we have no liberty.”

At a time when corporate media propagate seeds of divisibility, a new paradigm of discrimination is masquerading among us. The precipice of tyranny we face extends far beyond the hypocrisy of hate speech, military aggression, and global corporation collusion with seemingly all world governments. Today, the biggest threat to human Liberty may be corporate access to personal data combined with a unique digital identifier for every citizen. ” -Gregory Porter, Texas Liberty Council

Please Join Us – Monthly Membership Meeting

Tuesday, March 14th, from 6:00-7:30pm Kingsland Public Library

Guest Speaker: Mary Elizabeth Castle, Director of Government Relations for Texas Values and Texas Values Action, will share which bills are of concern to us all.

All Interested Republicans are welcome and encouraged to attend! Finger foods and tea served. Text or message 325-247-0539 to RSVP.

Advertising paid for by Highland Lakes Republican Women.

February Membership Meeting

To keep Valentine’s Day evening open for couples to enjoy together, we have scheduled our next monthly Membership Meeting for Tuesday evening, February 7th, 6-7:30pm, at the Kingsland Library. Hope to see you there!

Our general Monthly Membership Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each Month from 6:00-7:30PM at the Kingsland Public Library (unless specified otherwise).

All interested Republicans are welcome and encouraged to attend! For more information, please email

Meeting Schedule….

5:30 Members help set up for meeting.

6:00 Members and Guests sign in & mingle.

6:30 Meeting begins.

7:30 Meeting Adjourns.

7:30-8:00 Members, please help put tables/chairs away.

8:00 Lights out-lock up.  Thanks for joining us!!




  1. Visit and create your own “Login” so you can get a personalized viewing of legislative content! Stay up to date. CLICK HERE.

2. Visit to learn about the house proposed bills. “Bills to Be Considered on the House Floor”.

3. Subscribe to the Congressman’s newsletter/updates. Click here.


Today, Congress votes to protect abortion survivors in a major reversal. We’re taking urgent action! The following email was sent from Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel.

“It was one of the evilest bills we’ve ever seen. Today is a critical deadline to DEFEAT it.

One state passed a law that could allow babies to be killed up to 28 days AFTER birth. By using the word “perinatal” (which is the period that includes up to a month after a baby is born) instead of “prenatal” (before birth), the law literally legalizes infanticide.

We warned of the absolute horrors this Planned Parenthood-sponsored bill would unleash. Now, as new legislative sessions open, other states WILL ATTEMPT TO LEGALIZE infanticide.

We’ve taken action, not only filing FOIAs against California Governor Newsom over this first-in-the-nation barbaric bill, but we’ve been aggressively fighting on Capitol Hill.

TODAY, pro-life Members of Congress have scheduled a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. For years, Pelosi did Planned Parenthood’s bidding and blocked the vote, BUT NOT TODAY.

This bill would REQUIRE doctors to administer lifesaving medical care to any baby who is born, including abortion survivors. But we urgently need you to take action with us BEFORE today’s vote.

Click above to sign the petition: Defeat Infanticide. Save Babies Born Alive!”

1st HLRW Monthly Membership Meeting of 2023-Tuesday, January 10th, from 11-12:00pm, at the Kingsland Public Library

Precinct 2 Commissioner, Linda Raschke, will be speaking about Llano County business, budget, and crime. Snacks provided. Interested Republicans are encouraged to attend!

Call 830-275-2952 to confirm your attendance. Remember to bring cash or a check for your annual dues for 2023. Or pay here now, online.

Annual Dues Reminder- Membership Renewal

Happy New Year Llano County Republicans! We hope 2023 brings you many blessings. We are expecting great things to happen in 2023!

Please help us avoid a “first of year financial scramble” by renewing your Annual Membership dues today. Any additional donations you can manage are most welcome! Thank you for your generosity. Your continued support is GREATLY appreciated and will help HLRW women who are committed to serving God, Country, and Community, fulfill HLRW Objectives:

  • To work for the election of the Republican Party’s nominees.
  • To promote an informed electorate through political education.
  • To increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active political participation.
  • To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its ideals.


Sharing with you a post from, January 11, 2021.

An Appeal to Heaven Flag with the “liberty” tree

For many modern Americans it might be surprising to learn that one of the first national mottos and flags was “an appeal to Heaven.” Where did this phrase originate, and why did the Americans identify themselves with it?

To understand the meaning behind the Pinetree Flag we must go back to John Locke’s influential Second Treatise of Government (1690). In this book, the famed philosopher explains that when a government becomes so oppressive and tyrannical that there no longer remains any legal remedy for citizens, they can appeal to Heaven and then resist that tyrannical government through a revolution. Locke turned to the Bible to explain his argument: (click here to read more)

HLRW’s media card

This social media card was created to make life easier for you. It lists all of the social media platforms that Highland Lakes Republican Women currently utilizes to engage with the community. All are listed in one convenient spot! Print out the list and put it on your desk, refrigerator, or wherever you see fit. That way, you can easily access the information needed to find us online. You can find us from either your desktop computer, laptop computer, Tablet, or Cell phone.


Noteworthy: A new Nextdoor group called, “Llano County Republicans”created for you!

HLRW Vice President, Jessica McRee-Grabert, in a collaborative effort to bridge the gap in communication between an organization and its members, formed this new group on the Nextdoor website to help keep Republican people of Llano County notified and informed of current activities, meetings, and events held by the Highland Lakes Republican Women, Star Republican Women, and the Llano County Republican Club. -Stay informed by joining the group today.

Click Above

HLRW’s Some Recent End of Year Activities:

Burnet County Republican Women have a great new team of officers for 2023. Pictures above (from right to left): President-Mary Jane Avery, Vice President-Carolyn Alexander, Secretary-Darlene Hargett, Treasurer-Dottie Stueckroth, PAC Treasurer-Carolyn Richmond. and Asst. Treasurer-Brenda Miles.

Singing, “God Bless America”!

Star Republican Women – Installation of Officers for 2023. Starting from the right: Judge Ron Cunningham, President-Sara Boyd, VP Programs-Kathy Hussey, VP Membership-Debbie Lambert, Secretary-Kathy Stahl, Treasurer-Pam St Clair.

Let us rejoice in all the blessings that Christmas brings. Join us for a Christmas party, December 15th.

WHO: Highland Lakes Republican Women

WHAT: Christmas Party & Dinner

WHERE: Sunrise Beach Civic Center

WHEN: December 15th, 5:30pm (Social) & 6:00pm (Dinner)

WHY? We are glad you asked! The agenda includes:

  • Swearing in the 2023 Officers
  • Dinner and Testimonies
  • Games and Singing
  • Prize drawings (Those who RSVP for the party ahead of time get two tickets!

HLRW Members bring your spouse, a friend or a loved one! Call or text 830-275-2952 to let us know you plan to attend. We would love for our members to please bring a food item, drinks, or a prize item. Let us know in advance, so we can coordinate for a successful event.

Event RSVP Form (to confirm attendance)
RSVP by checking the box(s) next to the date(s) you plan to attend. We will add you to the list. Thank you very much for letting us know!!

Election Results -New Beginning for Everyone!

All Candidates from HLRW’s List of Republican Candidates, won their offices, except one. Lesli Fitzpatrick, former Republican Candidate for Justice, 3rd Court of Appeals, Place 4, did not win her office.

“This race is the beginning and not the end.”

Lesli Fitzpatrick

Lesli Fitzpatrick (center) seen here with newly elected 2023 Officers, President-Pat Richards (left) and Vice President- Jessica McRee-Grabert (right).

We were blessed to have Lesli join us for HLRW’s Annual Meeting Tuesday, November 15th. We were fascinated with her enthusiasm as she shared her thoughts and feelings about the election results. She shares those feelings here for you as well.

 Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.” This race did just that for me and I hope for you. I received over half a million votes. Over 80 percent of Llano County registered voters cast their votes for Republicans. I have a base to prepare for next time. You are my base. We won on Election Day. My opponent beat me by 56K with early votes out of Travis County. Only Travis County and Hays County voted for my opponent. All the other twenty plus counties in the 3rd COA District voted for me. We out raised my George Soros, Travis County Assistant DA opponent. Thank you so much for your club’s very generous financial support. We spent it wisely. As an unknown Candidate, I outperformed the incumbent Justices who were on the ballot in 2018 and 2020. There was nothing else we could do to win this race. Thank you all for working so hard on my behalf. I am sorry we did not win. God is not done with me or you. Please keep the faith!”

Lesli Fitzpatrick

List of Republican Candidates:

HLRW’s Veterans Day Lunch & Celebration -What a Blessing!

Thank you, Sichan Siv, for your heartfelt presentation. It was moving! Thank you, Quilts of Valor, for the many wonderful homemade quilts you presented to our Veterans. It was touching! Thank you, Llano Junior High School Band students, for your patriotic music. It was inspiring! Thank you to the lovely HLRW Members and volunteers who helped make this a very special occasion! We can’t do this without you! -And most importantly, thank you Veterans for your sacrifice, your bravery, and the example you set for us all! We hope you had a blessed day.

More Veterans Day pictures coming soon!

Veteran Day Lunch & Celebration -Honoring Veterans and Their Families Friday, November 11th, 10:30am (Kuykendall Event Center, 220 W Ranch Road 152, Llano, TX)

Featuring: SICHAN SIV

Sichan Siv, international best-selling author of “Golden Bones:  An Extraordinary Journey from Hell to Cambodia to a New Life in America”

Golden Bones

While the United States battled the Communists of North Vietnam in the 1960s and ’70s, the neighboring country of Cambodia was attacked from within by dictator Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge imprisoned, enslaved, and murdered the educated and intellectual members of the population, resulting in the harrowing “killing fields”–rice paddies where the harvest yielded nothing but millions of skulls.

Young Sichan Siv–a target since he was a university graduate–was told by his mother to run and “never give up hope!” Captured and put to work in a slave labor camp, Siv knew it was only a matter of time before he would be worked to death–or killed. With a daring escape from a logging truck and a desperate run for freedom through the jungle, including falling into a dreaded pungi pit, Siv finally came upon a colorfully dressed farmer who said, “Welcome to Thailand.”

He spent months teaching English in a refugee camp in Thailand while regaining his strength, eventually Siv was allowed entry into the United States. Upon his arrival in the U.S., Siv kept striving. Eventually rising to become a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Siv returned with great trepidation to the killing fields of Cambodia in 1992 as a senior representative of the U.S. government. It was an emotionally overwhelming visit.

Do I Vote on Everything on the Ballot? What is on the Ballot?

Yes, you should vote on everything on the ballot. Research the issues and candidates ahead of time. This way you come as an educated and prepared voter!

If the idea of researching online seems overwhelming, you are right! It can be. However, it does not have to be.

HLRW wants you to know there are many resources that can help you become informed.

Click here for one such resource that has sample ballots, voting information, candidate evaluations and more.

(Click picture above)

Bring with You to the Polls:

  • An acceptable form of photo ID. For voters between the ages of 18-69, the IDs cannot be expired for more than 4 years. For voters aged over 70, any of the above valid ID’s can be expired for more than 4 years!
  • List of Republican Candidates. HLRW has provided an important list of Republican Candidates to vote for (see below). Print this handy list out and take it with you to the polls. Yes, it is permissible! And be sure you do not leave any candidate unchecked!


Each year, Highland Lakes Republican Women put on a free lunch for local Veterans to thank them for their service.  This takes place on November 11, Veteran’s Day

As we are aging women, we could use help from some young, strong volunteers.  You will help with set-up and take down of tables and chairs for Veteran’s Day at Kuykendall Event Center, in Llano, TX.

You can volunteer for either set up or take down duty or both!

We will set up on Thursday, November 10 at 3PM.  Take down will be on Friday, November 11 also at 3.  Entire job should take no longer than one hour.

You will be able to use this activity toward your HLRW Scholarship application, too!

To volunteer, email  Specify what day(s) you will work.

Thank you, Ginger Shilts

Thanks to all who attended the “Sound the Alarm, 911!” Fundraiser.

A special thanks to these businesses and individuals who donated items for the Silent Auction:

Highland Lakes Watercraft

Mamma Chef’s Bakery

Kingsland Health & Fitness

La Tequila Jalisco

Lighthouse Country Club

Reflections Day Spa & Salon

Ginger Shilts

Thank you HLRW Members for all your hard work in preparing for this event! The cakes you baked for the Dessert Auction were amazing!


We have less than a week left to tell Biden not to change the definition of “sex”! For the past 55 days activists have been bombarding the Biden administration with comments defying his radical, incoherent gender ideology.

Over 50,000 comments have been submitted and over 20% of those comments have been Heritage Action activists.

This is a fantastic number and it gives us the momentum we need to keep pressuring the administration to repeal this rule.

Keep going! We have limited time before this rule takes effect. Tell Biden to stop, HERE!

Share this link and spread the word. We need to bring the HEAT!

Thank you for your participation.

Janae Stracke
Director of Grassroots
Heritage Action for America


Hi Everyone,

Just forwarding information from Mary Heffernan on a Poll Watcher Training opportunity and thought you might want to pass it along to your precinct chairs and election workers. The ZOOM training option may appeal to some folks in your county. The ZOOM session is limited to 99 people. Anyone interested will need to RSVP. -PAT RICHARDS


SREC SD24 Committeewoman

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mary Heffernan <>


Dear TFRW / TX Republican Grassroots:

With the November 2022 Election right around the corner, we need YOUR participation and leadership in being the front line volunteers at our polling locations!  Without well trained poll watchers and election workers in place at every single level of the election process, we open up our counties to SERIOUS vulnerabilities.  It is urgent we get a system in place NOW to be ready for the 2024 presidential election! 

  We are offering Poll Watcher training to all our grassroots volunteers and this training addresses four basic objectives in being a poll watcher-

  1. Poll Watcher Readiness
  2. Locations one can serve including Central Count, Signature Verification Committee, Early Voting Ballot Board and all polling locations during Early Voting and Election Day.
  3. Required documents and what to have ready on your assigned day.
  4. Escalation Process–Information about Protect the Vote Hotline and Reporting System.

We have completed two In PersonTrainings and have one ZOOM call remaining for you to sign up and attend. This is limited to up to 99 people. PLEASE RSVP in advance of September 1-2022 and we will forward the ZOOM link to you.

Lucy Trainor, RPT Regional Election Integrity Director, will be leading the ZOOM training session.This is timely as Poll Watchers must recertify with the SOS office beginning September 1-2022 for the November election. In addition, Lucy will share additonal trainings available for in person training too.

Remote ZOOM Training CALL for up to 99 people on/MUST RSVP:

09-01-2022 @ 9:30 – 11 AM – via ZOOM Online (using phone,Ipad, or PC)

Please rsvp to to join this Poll Watchers ZOOM Training, and the details needed to log into the ZOOM call will be provided to you. 

Please act on this today- help election integrity as a Poll Watcher!

Thank you to NWARW, Lucy Trainor, Josh Goldman, and Linda Durnin, in helping to faciltiate this ZOOM opportunity to grassroots volunteers in TX!

Mary Heffernan

SD14 TFRW District Director/ TFRW AT-Large Board Member

TCRP Precinct Chair

Travis County Election Worker/Judge


You Are Invited! HLRW Social – “Left, Right, Center – Have You Lost Your Beans?”

For Members, guests, and those interested in HLRW

Kingsland Public Library, 125 West Polk Street, Kingsland, TX 78639

Come join us for light refreshments, fellowship, and fun.  Engaging opportunities include:

  • hearing all about Llano County’s latest happenings.
  • getting reacquainted with members.
  • meeting HLRW newest members.
  • and having a great time playing Left, Right, and Center!

RSVP below to join us for this or any monthly meeting or special event.

View full calendar

Note from Pat

Hello Llano County Republican Women! 

    As we wrap up our summer break, we are having a few get togethers. We have experienced a good attendance at our other summer functions and gained new members and am looking forward to getting to know you all better.  

Next week we will be having a last summer fling with 2 game days- one to be held be at the new and improved Llano Library meeting room on August 9th Tuesday at noon to 1:30 and the following week on Thursday the 18th at the Kingsland library from 6:30-8 pm

This has been a difficult year with a not to pleasant beginning, but we have seen growth in areas we never thought possible. I am reminded of the scripture “a house divided cannot stand” so ladies we need to unify and come together for a common goal of not only electing Republican candidates but informing our friends, neighbors, and family about how to make their voice heard thru education, good articles, flash legislation updates, and understanding what bills mean. As an election judge for several years the comments I hear the most are “what does this mean, and I don’t know any of these people.” 

This is our goal to make informed voters in our county. We must garner our talents to be effective in our county. Will you join us in this venture? Even if you only have a limited amount of time just sharing articles or videos can help on Facebook, Trump Social or next door. 

We have an awesome PR person, Jessica Grabert, who will help any of us with any media questions and teach us how to network with each other so we can grow and show this county how we stand together in this fight.  Thank you, Annette Sandoval, for getting us 100 pocket constitutions from Hillsdale College. Who would like to do the same? 

Please consider coming and having a good time and getting to meet fellow fighters for freedom! If we don’t make a difference in Llano who will? 

With gratitude and humility, 

Pat Richards 


Finance Committee Meeting

Highland Lakes Republican Women
Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday, July 27, 10:00am 
Location:  FUEL in Llano
We will discuss the budget for the remainder of 2022 and choose candidates to recommend to the membership for campaign donations. All members are welcome to join in the discussion.

Please RSVP to Ginger if you plan to attend the meeting.  Her email is  If you prefer, call or text Ginger at 325-248-3129.   Thanks!