Let us rejoice in all the blessings that Christmas brings. Join us for a Christmas party, December 15th.

WHO: Highland Lakes Republican Women

WHAT: Christmas Party & Dinner

WHERE: Sunrise Beach Civic Center

WHEN: December 15th, 5:30pm (Social) & 6:00pm (Dinner)

WHY? We are glad you asked! The agenda includes:

  • Swearing in the 2023 Officers
  • Dinner and Testimonies
  • Games and Singing
  • Prize drawings (Those who RSVP for the party ahead of time get two tickets!

HLRW Members bring your spouse, a friend or a loved one! Call or text 830-275-2952 to let us know you plan to attend. We would love for our members to please bring a food item, drinks, or a prize item. Let us know in advance, so we can coordinate for a successful event.

Event RSVP Form (to confirm attendance)
RSVP by checking the box(s) next to the date(s) you plan to attend. We will add you to the list. Thank you very much for letting us know!!