Hello Llano County Republican Women!
As we wrap up our summer break, we are having a few get togethers. We have experienced a good attendance at our other summer functions and gained new members and am looking forward to getting to know you all better.
Next week we will be having a last summer fling with 2 game days- one to be held be at the new and improved Llano Library meeting room on August 9th Tuesday at noon to 1:30 and the following week on Thursday the 18th at the Kingsland library from 6:30-8 pm.
This has been a difficult year with a not to pleasant beginning, but we have seen growth in areas we never thought possible. I am reminded of the scripture “a house divided cannot stand” so ladies we need to unify and come together for a common goal of not only electing Republican candidates but informing our friends, neighbors, and family about how to make their voice heard thru education, good articles, flash legislation updates, and understanding what bills mean. As an election judge for several years the comments I hear the most are “what does this mean, and I don’t know any of these people.”
This is our goal to make informed voters in our county. We must garner our talents to be effective in our county. Will you join us in this venture? Even if you only have a limited amount of time just sharing articles or videos can help on Facebook, Trump Social or next door.
We have an awesome PR person, Jessica Grabert, who will help any of us with any media questions and teach us how to network with each other so we can grow and show this county how we stand together in this fight. Thank you, Annette Sandoval, for getting us 100 pocket constitutions from Hillsdale College. Who would like to do the same?
Please consider coming and having a good time and getting to meet fellow fighters for freedom! If we don’t make a difference in Llano who will?
With gratitude and humility,
Pat Richards