Wonderful Turnout Tuesday Evening

Thank you to all who attended Tuesday evenings meeting with special guest, Christin Bentley!

Republican Party of Texas
Legislative Priority:
Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids

Watch Tuesday’s presentation by clicking on the video below or read Christin’s PowerPoint Presentation. Read in PDF format here.

Tuesday, May 9th -HLRW Meeting with special guest, Christin Bentley

HLRW Monthly Meeting Tuesday, May 9th, 6-7:30pm

Hello everyone! This is a personal invitation to join us for dinner this Tuesday evening, May 9th, 6-7:30pm, at the Sunrise Beach Civic Center. One of our own members (who cooks great!) will be making a Spaghetti and Meatball dinner for us! Yummy!! Bring your spouse.

Guest speaker, Christin Bentley, State Republican Executive Committee, SD-1, will be giving a legislative update on the Republican Party of Texas priority to protect children from sexual grooming in our schools and communities.

Free to attend. Dinner is $20 (pay at the door or click below to purchase a meal) Look forward to seeing each of you! Support – Highland Lakes Republican Womens Club (anedot.com)

ELECTION DAY – Saturday, May 6th!

Polls open 7:00am until 7:00pm at each location.

Below you will find Polling Locations and Sample Ballots for Llano County (including Propositions A, B, and C on the Llano ISD Bond Election). Please Read before voting on Saturday.


“Any information submitted to the Federal Government by a party to a covered transaction in accordance with this Act, as well as any information the Federal Government may create relating to review of the covered transaction, is exempt from disclosure under section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the ‘Freedom of Information Act.)’   – Excerpt from RESTRICT Act (S. 686)

The RESTRICT Act, in name alone, serves as an alarm.  

While it does ban TikTok, the RESTRICT Act also gives non-elected government bureaucrats, and the money they are beholden to, carte blanch permission to label and off-line any form or system of communication they deem a national security threat. According to the bill, violators accessing those applications, including the use of VPN services, risk penalty of up to a $1,000,000 fine, twenty (20) years in Federal Prison, and the forfeiture of all property to the United States government.  

With seemingly every Federal agency in America acting against the interest of free speech and Constitutional rights, are legislators in Washington unable to foresee the blatant risks of this bill? – The Sedition Acts V2, Gregory Christian Porter, April 18th

RESTRICT Act (S. 686) – https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text

Click the link below and call your elected officials in Washington; demand they honor their oath to the Constitution and let this bill die on the floor!

Find Your Members in the U.S. Congress | Congress.gov | Library of Congress (substack.com)

Monthly HLRW Meeting April 11th, 6-7:30pm Kingsland Public Library (finger food and tea provided)

Don’t miss guest speaker, Gregory Porter, Co-Founder, Texas Liberty Council, give a powerful presentation on the topic of digital identification and currency!

Data Privacy: The Frontier of Liberty

“Without privacy, we have no liberty.”

At a time when corporate media propagate seeds of divisibility, a new paradigm of discrimination is masquerading among us. The precipice of tyranny we face extends far beyond the hypocrisy of hate speech, military aggression, and global corporation collusion with seemingly all world governments. Today, the biggest threat to human Liberty may be corporate access to personal data combined with a unique digital identifier for every citizen. ” -Gregory Porter, Texas Liberty Council

Please Join Us – Monthly Membership Meeting

Tuesday, March 14th, from 6:00-7:30pm Kingsland Public Library

Guest Speaker: Mary Elizabeth Castle, Director of Government Relations for Texas Values and Texas Values Action, will share which bills are of concern to us all.

All Interested Republicans are welcome and encouraged to attend! Finger foods and tea served. Text or message 325-247-0539 to RSVP.

Advertising paid for by Highland Lakes Republican Women.

February Membership Meeting

To keep Valentine’s Day evening open for couples to enjoy together, we have scheduled our next monthly Membership Meeting for Tuesday evening, February 7th, 6-7:30pm, at the Kingsland Library. Hope to see you there!

Our general Monthly Membership Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each Month from 6:00-7:30PM at the Kingsland Public Library (unless specified otherwise).

All interested Republicans are welcome and encouraged to attend! For more information, please email hlrw.tx@outlook.com.

Meeting Schedule….

5:30 Members help set up for meeting.

6:00 Members and Guests sign in & mingle.

6:30 Meeting begins.

7:30 Meeting Adjourns.

7:30-8:00 Members, please help put tables/chairs away.

8:00 Lights out-lock up.  Thanks for joining us!!




  1. Visit capitol.texas.gov and create your own “Login” so you can get a personalized viewing of legislative content! Stay up to date. CLICK HERE.

2. Visit docs.house.gov to learn about the house proposed bills. “Bills to Be Considered on the House Floor”.

3. Subscribe to the Congressman’s newsletter/updates. Click here.


Today, Congress votes to protect abortion survivors in a major reversal. We’re taking urgent action! The following email was sent from Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel.

“It was one of the evilest bills we’ve ever seen. Today is a critical deadline to DEFEAT it.

One state passed a law that could allow babies to be killed up to 28 days AFTER birth. By using the word “perinatal” (which is the period that includes up to a month after a baby is born) instead of “prenatal” (before birth), the law literally legalizes infanticide.

We warned of the absolute horrors this Planned Parenthood-sponsored bill would unleash. Now, as new legislative sessions open, other states WILL ATTEMPT TO LEGALIZE infanticide.

We’ve taken action, not only filing FOIAs against California Governor Newsom over this first-in-the-nation barbaric bill, but we’ve been aggressively fighting on Capitol Hill.

TODAY, pro-life Members of Congress have scheduled a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. For years, Pelosi did Planned Parenthood’s bidding and blocked the vote, BUT NOT TODAY.

This bill would REQUIRE doctors to administer lifesaving medical care to any baby who is born, including abortion survivors. But we urgently need you to take action with us BEFORE today’s vote.

Click above to sign the petition: Defeat Infanticide. Save Babies Born Alive!”

1st HLRW Monthly Membership Meeting of 2023-Tuesday, January 10th, from 11-12:00pm, at the Kingsland Public Library

Precinct 2 Commissioner, Linda Raschke, will be speaking about Llano County business, budget, and crime. Snacks provided. Interested Republicans are encouraged to attend!

Call 830-275-2952 to confirm your attendance. Remember to bring cash or a check for your annual dues for 2023. Or pay here now, online.