Notice of Conventions:

February 7th, 5:30-7:30P, American Legion, 200 Legion Drive, Llano, TX 78643
This will be an extra informative event! Michael Sullivan will be updating us on the Texas State Convention and highlighting some of the statewide races.
Free to attend. dinner is $15 per person. Guests are welcome! All proceeds will be used to support Republican Candidates and Republican Causes. Contact Debbie at 830-220-9935 to reserve your plate.
Learn more about Cary Cheshire by visiting Texans for Strong Borders
Election Day is November 7, 2023. See Notice of Special Election, which includes the propositions (from LLano County, Texas)
Early voting begins October 23 thru November 2.
Constitutional amendments are on the ballot.
Go to the Llano County website and under elections you can view all the amendments. Click below to read it in full now.
Description: Meeting dates/times posted for the Llano County GOP and conservative friends: Llano County Republican Dinner Club; Highland Lakes Republican Women; Star Republican Women; and the Llano Tea Party.
This year’s Scholarship recipient is Hannah Etter. Hannah is planning to attend Sam Houston State University pursuing a double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology.
Hannah impressed us with her enthusiasm and cheerful nature when she volunteered to help with setup for the Veteran’s Day lunch last year. She fulfilled her requirements for HLRW’s scholarship by interviewing John Ferguson, ex-city councilman. She is a darling girl, and we wish her well.
“I would like to thank everyone who aided in supporting me and donating to me. I promise to use your contributions wisely and to pass the love forward. I am so thankful for each and every one of you, and if you ever need anything, please feel free to contact me at hfe001@shsu.edu.” -Hannah Etter
Read a copy of Hannah’s interview with John Ferguson!
Thank you to all who attended Tuesday evenings meeting with special guest, Christin Bentley!
Republican Party of Texas
Legislative Priority: Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids
Watch Tuesday’s presentation by clicking on the video below or read Christin’s PowerPoint Presentation. Read in PDF format here.
“Any information submitted to the Federal Government by a party to a covered transaction in accordance with this Act, as well as any information the Federal Government may create relating to review of the covered transaction, is exempt from disclosure under section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the ‘Freedom of Information Act.)’ – Excerpt from RESTRICT Act (S. 686)
The RESTRICT Act, in name alone, serves as an alarm.
While it does ban TikTok, the RESTRICT Act also gives non-elected government bureaucrats, and the money they are beholden to, carte blanch permission to label and off-line any form or system of communication they deem a national security threat. According to the bill, violators accessing those applications, including the use of VPN services, risk penalty of up to a $1,000,000 fine, twenty (20) years in Federal Prison, and the forfeiture of all property to the United States government.
With seemingly every Federal agency in America acting against the interest of free speech and Constitutional rights, are legislators in Washington unable to foresee the blatant risks of this bill? – The Sedition Acts V2, Gregory Christian Porter, April 18th
RESTRICT Act (S. 686) – https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text
Click the link below and call your elected officials in Washington; demand they honor their oath to the Constitution and let this bill die on the floor!
Find Your Members in the U.S. Congress | Congress.gov | Library of Congress (substack.com)
2. Visit docs.house.gov to learn about the house proposed bills. “Bills to Be Considered on the House Floor”.
3. Subscribe to the Congressman’s newsletter/updates. Click here.