Annual Dues Reminder- Membership Renewal

Happy New Year Llano County Republicans! We hope 2023 brings you many blessings. We are expecting great things to happen in 2023!

Please help us avoid a “first of year financial scramble” by renewing your Annual Membership dues today. Any additional donations you can manage are most welcome! Thank you for your generosity. Your continued support is GREATLY appreciated and will help HLRW women who are committed to serving God, Country, and Community, fulfill HLRW Objectives:

  • To work for the election of the Republican Party’s nominees.
  • To promote an informed electorate through political education.
  • To increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active political participation.
  • To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its ideals.


Sharing with you a post from, January 11, 2021.

An Appeal to Heaven Flag with the “liberty” tree

For many modern Americans it might be surprising to learn that one of the first national mottos and flags was “an appeal to Heaven.” Where did this phrase originate, and why did the Americans identify themselves with it?

To understand the meaning behind the Pinetree Flag we must go back to John Locke’s influential Second Treatise of Government (1690). In this book, the famed philosopher explains that when a government becomes so oppressive and tyrannical that there no longer remains any legal remedy for citizens, they can appeal to Heaven and then resist that tyrannical government through a revolution. Locke turned to the Bible to explain his argument: (click here to read more)

HLRW’s media card

This social media card was created to make life easier for you. It lists all of the social media platforms that Highland Lakes Republican Women currently utilizes to engage with the community. All are listed in one convenient spot! Print out the list and put it on your desk, refrigerator, or wherever you see fit. That way, you can easily access the information needed to find us online. You can find us from either your desktop computer, laptop computer, Tablet, or Cell phone.


Noteworthy: A new Nextdoor group called, “Llano County Republicans”created for you!

HLRW Vice President, Jessica McRee-Grabert, in a collaborative effort to bridge the gap in communication between an organization and its members, formed this new group on the Nextdoor website to help keep Republican people of Llano County notified and informed of current activities, meetings, and events held by the Highland Lakes Republican Women, Star Republican Women, and the Llano County Republican Club. -Stay informed by joining the group today.

Click Above

HLRW’s Some Recent End of Year Activities:

Burnet County Republican Women have a great new team of officers for 2023. Pictures above (from right to left): President-Mary Jane Avery, Vice President-Carolyn Alexander, Secretary-Darlene Hargett, Treasurer-Dottie Stueckroth, PAC Treasurer-Carolyn Richmond. and Asst. Treasurer-Brenda Miles.

Singing, “God Bless America”!

Star Republican Women – Installation of Officers for 2023. Starting from the right: Judge Ron Cunningham, President-Sara Boyd, VP Programs-Kathy Hussey, VP Membership-Debbie Lambert, Secretary-Kathy Stahl, Treasurer-Pam St Clair.

Let us rejoice in all the blessings that Christmas brings. Join us for a Christmas party, December 15th.

WHO: Highland Lakes Republican Women

WHAT: Christmas Party & Dinner

WHERE: Sunrise Beach Civic Center

WHEN: December 15th, 5:30pm (Social) & 6:00pm (Dinner)

WHY? We are glad you asked! The agenda includes:

  • Swearing in the 2023 Officers
  • Dinner and Testimonies
  • Games and Singing
  • Prize drawings (Those who RSVP for the party ahead of time get two tickets!

HLRW Members bring your spouse, a friend or a loved one! Call or text 830-275-2952 to let us know you plan to attend. We would love for our members to please bring a food item, drinks, or a prize item. Let us know in advance, so we can coordinate for a successful event.

Event RSVP Form (to confirm attendance)
RSVP by checking the box(s) next to the date(s) you plan to attend. We will add you to the list. Thank you very much for letting us know!!

Election Results -New Beginning for Everyone!

All Candidates from HLRW’s List of Republican Candidates, won their offices, except one. Lesli Fitzpatrick, former Republican Candidate for Justice, 3rd Court of Appeals, Place 4, did not win her office.

“This race is the beginning and not the end.”

Lesli Fitzpatrick

Lesli Fitzpatrick (center) seen here with newly elected 2023 Officers, President-Pat Richards (left) and Vice President- Jessica McRee-Grabert (right).

We were blessed to have Lesli join us for HLRW’s Annual Meeting Tuesday, November 15th. We were fascinated with her enthusiasm as she shared her thoughts and feelings about the election results. She shares those feelings here for you as well.

 Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.” This race did just that for me and I hope for you. I received over half a million votes. Over 80 percent of Llano County registered voters cast their votes for Republicans. I have a base to prepare for next time. You are my base. We won on Election Day. My opponent beat me by 56K with early votes out of Travis County. Only Travis County and Hays County voted for my opponent. All the other twenty plus counties in the 3rd COA District voted for me. We out raised my George Soros, Travis County Assistant DA opponent. Thank you so much for your club’s very generous financial support. We spent it wisely. As an unknown Candidate, I outperformed the incumbent Justices who were on the ballot in 2018 and 2020. There was nothing else we could do to win this race. Thank you all for working so hard on my behalf. I am sorry we did not win. God is not done with me or you. Please keep the faith!”

Lesli Fitzpatrick

List of Republican Candidates:

HLRW’s Veterans Day Lunch & Celebration -What a Blessing!

Thank you, Sichan Siv, for your heartfelt presentation. It was moving! Thank you, Quilts of Valor, for the many wonderful homemade quilts you presented to our Veterans. It was touching! Thank you, Llano Junior High School Band students, for your patriotic music. It was inspiring! Thank you to the lovely HLRW Members and volunteers who helped make this a very special occasion! We can’t do this without you! -And most importantly, thank you Veterans for your sacrifice, your bravery, and the example you set for us all! We hope you had a blessed day.

More Veterans Day pictures coming soon!