Legislative Day 2019

What at beautiful view!  This was taken from our room at the Capitol Sheridan where the 2019 TFRW Legislative Day was held on April 25, 2019.  Three members from HLRW comprised the delegation this year, Kathy Oles, Janet Mayne and Ginger Shilts.

We arrived on the 24th so we could visit the Capitol and get our bearings.  We attempted to visit with ur legislators, Rep. Andrew Murr and Sen. Dawn Buckingham but both were busy on the floor so we just signed in and left them a small gift of appreciation from our club.

Girls just wanna have fun!

That evening, we attended the “Belles and Boots” event put on by TFRW at Sholtz Garden.  It was a fun evening meeting and chatting with people from all over the state.  We met State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Sen. Donna Campbell, Justice Jeff Rose and a few other dignitaries.

Kathy Oles made the group photo while Janet and Ginger held her a seat in the Gallery

A short visit with Sen Dawn Buckingham

On Thursday, we assembled at the Capitol Building for a group photo and then witnessed the opening of both the House and Senate sessions where they declared it to be TFRW Day!

Both Galleries were bathes in RED worn by women from all over the State of Texas.  We had a short visit with Senator Buckingham and then returned to the Hotel for a luncheon and workshops.


House Gallery is filled with RED!

Senate Gallery


Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott Pays Hill Country a Visit

WP_20150519_011Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott spoke at the Hill Country Republican Women Spring Luncheon on May 19 at Escondido Golf & Lake Club in Horseshoe Bay. The luncheon is sponsored by Star Republican Women, Highland Lakes Republican Women and Burnet County Republican Women.

Cecilia Abbott is a product of the American Dream. The granddaughter of immigrants from Mexico, Cecilia was raised in San Antonio by parents who were both educators. They instilled in Cecilia, her sister and two brothers the power of education.

Cecilia took the lesson to heart and went on to study at the University of Texas and then earned three degrees from the University of St. Thomas in Houston: a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in Education and a Master’s degree in Theology.

The First Lady has played important roles in education excellence in Texas. She was a teacher, vice principal and then principal at several schools across Texas. Most recently she served as the principal of the Cathedral School of St. Mary in Austin from 1996 to 2001. Governor Perry appointed Cecilia to the State Board of Educator Certification, where she served from 2001 to 2008.

Mrs. Abbott also focused on health care for seniors. From 2004 to 2013, she served as the managing director of community relations at Harden Healthcare, a network of senior adult health care facilities and services.

She serves on the University of St. Thomas Board of Directors and the Huston-Tillotson Board of Directors, as well as the advisory boards for the Holy Trinity Seminary, and the Austin Diocesan School Advisory Board. She is also a member of the Women’s Symphony League, the National Charity League, and the Dell Children’s Women’s Trust. She is a former member of the advisory board for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Ballet Austin and the Principals’ Center at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Cecilia is a classical music devotee, having begun piano training at the age of six. The training came in handy when she moved into the Castilian Dorm at UT where she serenaded her future husband from behind the keyboard with music, the likes of which he had never heard.

Cecilia Abbott made history when her husband Greg became Governor of Texas by becoming the first Latina First Lady of Texas in the history of the state. She is a proud wife and mother. She and Greg have been married for 33 years, and they live in Austin with their daughter, Audrey.

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Heritage Days Fun

Heritage DaysOctober 18 was Llano County’s annual Heritage Days celebration.  Highland Lakes Republican Women were on hand to greet voters and handed out home made cookies and water to attendees.  Pictured above are Dolores Klussmann and Susie Sitton in front with Debbie Alexander, Jolene Hawkins and Charlotte Hewett in background.