Each year, Highland Lakes Republican Women put on a free lunch for local Veterans to thank them for their service.  This takes place on November 11, Veteran’s Day

As we are aging women, we could use help from some young, strong volunteers.  You will help with set-up and take down of tables and chairs for Veteran’s Day at Kuykendall Event Center, in Llano, TX.

You can volunteer for either set up or take down duty or both!

We will set up on Thursday, November 10 at 3PM.  Take down will be on Friday, November 11 also at 3.  Entire job should take no longer than one hour.

You will be able to use this activity toward your HLRW Scholarship application, too!

To volunteer, email scholarships@hlrw.com.  Specify what day(s) you will work.

Thank you, Ginger Shilts


We have less than a week left to tell Biden not to change the definition of “sex”! For the past 55 days activists have been bombarding the Biden administration with comments defying his radical, incoherent gender ideology.

Over 50,000 comments have been submitted and over 20% of those comments have been Heritage Action activists.

This is a fantastic number and it gives us the momentum we need to keep pressuring the administration to repeal this rule.

Keep going! We have limited time before this rule takes effect. Tell Biden to stop, HERE!

Share this link and spread the word. We need to bring the HEAT!

Thank you for your participation.

Janae Stracke
Director of Grassroots
Heritage Action for America