FREE WORKSHOP- Monday, March 20th, 5:30-8:30pm

HLRW Vice President, Jessica McRee-Grabert, in a collaborative effort to bridge the gap in communication between an organization and its members, formed this new group on the Nextdoor website to help keep Republican people of Llano County notified and informed of current activities, meetings, and events held by the Highland Lakes Republican Women, Star Republican Women, and the Llano County Republican Club. -Stay informed by joining the group today.
Burnet County Republican Women have a great new team of officers for 2023. Pictures above (from right to left): President-Mary Jane Avery, Vice President-Carolyn Alexander, Secretary-Darlene Hargett, Treasurer-Dottie Stueckroth, PAC Treasurer-Carolyn Richmond. and Asst. Treasurer-Brenda Miles.
4th Quarter LCRC Dinner Meeting. Dinner is $20.00 per person. Guests are very welcome! All proceeds will be used to support republican candidates and republican causes. Call Debbie Alexander at 830-220-9934 to RSVP. Send an email to: debbie42471@yahoo.com.